Boston George is Home!
Good things are happening at the Brown County Humane Society Dog Shelter and we have an amazing update for you!
Most of you know our “Boston George.”
When Boston’s owner became homeless,
Interfaith Hospitality Network of Greater Cincinnati reached out to the Brown County Humane Society Dog Shelter for help. “BG” needed somewhere to stay while his owner was getting back on her feet. It may have taken a few months but we are ecstatic to announce that Boston George is back with his beloved owner and fur-sister Justice!
We want to thank ALL of our BCHS Doggie Day Trippers for stepping up and taking Boston George out on so many day trips. It helped keep his spirits up until he was reunited with his family. Big thank you to Interfaith for helping people and pets stay together.
We are all going to miss him but we are so happy Boston George is finally HOME!
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