Enjoy Sunday Service from home
We thought all of our Victory Christian family and friends should know our view of the current health situation around the world. Therefore, we are posting an email from our Connect Team leader and share what he had to say to his teams: I am writing this post to you to keep you in the loop and up-to-date on our services moving forward while the United States takes precautions regarding the COVID-19 virus. We are still meeting on Sundays at 10 AM for our regular worship celebrations moving forward. We realize that some may not feel comfortable attending church where we gather in large groups, and we completely understand and support those who may feel that way. If you are scheduled to be a part of a volunteer team this Sunday – or on Sundays in the near future – and you have a concern about serving on a team, please reach out to your team leader and they will be more than happy to work with you on scheduling. We are excited to say that our Broadcast team has worked very hard over the months to offer a polished, professional live stream of our services that can be enjoyed from home. We encourage you to be a part of our digital campus through Facebook and YouTube live streams if you are unable or choose not to attend a live service. We feel it’s important to stay hooked up with your local church and be enriched by the Word of God – especially in times of challenge and uncertainty. With the health and safety our community in mind, please be mindful of personal hygiene and your proximity to others while serving at church. We ask all team members – especially those on hospitality teams – to wash your hands regularly, limit/refrain from shaking hands, hugging or being close to our guests’ faces while also making them feel welcome and comfortable while they’re spending their time with us. If you have any questions regarding this, please direct them to your team leader and they will be more than happy to explain more. At Victory, other than salvation through Jesus Christ, one of the most important things to us is the health, happiness and safety of our community. With this in mind, we want to be sensitive to those who may feel like they can’t serve or attend church in a large gathering while also continuing to offer a live service environment for those who may want to be there in person. Now is not the time to panic. 2 Timothy 1:7 says that we haven’t been given a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Now is the time for the Body of Christ to stand strong and united in love for our community and the World at large. Part of being strong and walking in love toward our community includes making smart decisions and practicing healthy habits. Thank you for being a part of your local church. Thank you for giving your time to others. I love you. I’m proud of you, and I’m believing that God has placed Victory in this community for such a time as this. See you on Sunday! Caleb Mills, Connect Team Leader