The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Response to COVID-19
For 175 years, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul has offered person-to-person services to the most vulnerable in communities throughout the United States. In 2018, The Society’s nearly 100,000 trained volunteers throughout the United States provided 12.5 million hours of volunteer service, helping more than 5.4 million people.
Around the country, we are adapting our daily work to practice social distancing, as directed by federal and state agencies. In these unprecedented times, SVdP is shifting our service model from personalized face-to-face service to meeting basic needs while social distancing… to protect the health of our volunteers, staff, friends in need, and communities. We are tailoring our services to meet the unique needs of all the communities we serve.
We are accustomed to working with vulnerable populations. Like other businesses and organizations, our local groups have adopted protocols for preventing the spread of coronavirus, including increased access to hand sanitizer, added signage and verbal hand-washing reminders, and minimized personal contact.
Leadership is monitoring the situation closely and will update protocols as needed. We are grateful for your understanding, care, and partnership as we adapt and as Vincentians continue to respond to community needs. Thank you for continuing support of our mission to feed, clothe, house, and heal friends in need across the U.S.
St. Vincent de Paul is a trusted nonprofit organization that already serves the most likely to be hurt by the economic devastation of the Coronavirus Crisis. Everyone is inconvenienced, but those already in need face financial devastation. You can be there for them. Your support will change lives.