This staff member is responsible to prayerfully study, prepare, and present biblical truths, which are given to them as a part of the camp curriculum. These truths are to be presented in a manner that is relevant to the camper’s age. This person must have 5 years of biblical teaching experience and be at least…

This staff member is responsible to plan, organize, and coordinate a safe recreation program. Mathematical skills are desired.

These staff members will be responsible to lead and coordinate music during all designated times such as Bible class, evening service, meal times, Vespers, etc. They must be talented musically and be able to put together a worship set for evening service.

This staff member works to create a safe camp environment and treat injuries as necessary. We will provide the nurse with policies and procedures to care for homesickness, as well as physical illness. At minimum, first responder training is required.

This staff member works closely with other staff to produce videos, photographs, and other forms of media for campers and parents to view at times throughout the week and as promotional media after camp is over. Individuals must have good, working knowledge of PC and/or Mac. They must also have experience taking quality photographs with…

This staff member is over the entire program for the week. Individual must have great leadership, time management, and organizational skills. Individual must have worked in camp ministry for at least five years or have had equivalent training.